
ALE evolves its OmniAccess Stellar solution

May 12, 2022

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise enhances Asset Tracking solution with Artificial Intelligence capabilities and push-button alerts.

Our OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking solution has proved an essential tool for our customers and they can now track, locate and monitor the usage patterns of their assets with even greater accuracy and efficiency. Although contact tracing and asset tracking came to light most prominently during the health crisis, its ability to improve performance across numerous industries extends beyond the turbulence of the pandemic and can be harnessed to bring operations into the digital age.
Daniel Faurlin, Business Line Manager, Network Business Division at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Our aim is always to make accessing high-performance and data-rich solutions as easy as possible for our customers. As we continue to innovate and enhance our solutions, so too will we develop new models to make digital transformation universally accessible with options for every business and industry.
Nolwenn Simon, Product Line Manager Network Value added solutions, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise.

About Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise


Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise:

Carine Bowen

Global Press
