OmniSwitch 6870系列增强型可堆叠以太网交换机
专为 Wi-Fi 6/6E/7 优化的低延迟、高速率以太网交换机,最大程度地增强网络性能,提升物联网连接能力。
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- 为企业分支机构、园区和数据中心的网络,实现增强型接入层和小型核心网络的升级转型
- 提供适用于 Wi-Fi 7 部署的802.3at(30W)或802.3bt(60W/95W)PoE解决方案
- 10/25/40/100/200G的多速率网络,支持任何规模的高速网络架构部署,实现从传统现有基础设施的平滑升级
- 高密度千兆和多速率(2.5/5/10GE)接口型号
- 虚拟机箱技术,支持最多32 x 10G/25G、16 x 40G或8 x 100G上行链路和384个千兆端口
- 内置热插拔电源模块,在同类产品中具有最低的能耗
- 符合IEEE 802.3bt 4类标准的PoE,部分特定型号每个端口的PoE功率高达95W
- 支持SDN,支持未来网络扩展
- OS6870-24
- OS6870-48
- OS6870-P24Z
- OS6870-P48Z
- OS6870-P24M
- OS6870-P48M
- OS6870-V12
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Release Notes (Rev.C)
Includes new hardware and software feature descriptions, feature parity matrix, known and fixed issues and upgrade instructions.
OmniSwitch 6870 Hardware Users Guide (Rev. B)
This user guide documents the OmniSwitch 6870 hardware, including chassis and associated components.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Transceivers Guide (Rev. B)
Includes transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Transceivers Guide (Rev. A)
Includes transceiver specifications and product compatibility information.
OmniSwitch 6870 Hardware Users Guide (Rev. A)
This user guide documents OmniSwitch 6870 hardware, including chassis and associated components.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 CLI Reference Guide (Rev. A)
Complete reference to all CLI commands supported on the OmniSwitch. Includes syntax definitions, default values, examples, usage guidelines and CLI-to-MIB vari…
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Advanced Routing Guide (Rev. …
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the software features and protocols included in the advanced routing software pack…
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Network Configuration Guide (…
Includes network configuration procedures and descriptive information on all the major software features and protocols included in the base software package.
OmniSwitch AOS Release 8.10R2 Switch Management Guide (Rev.…
Includes procedures for readying an individual switch for integration into a network.