阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniAccess Stellar 定位服务包括资产跟踪和基于位置的服务,有助于企业创造收入、提高安全性并降低运营成本和资产相关成本。
阿尔卡特朗讯 OmniAccess Stellar 资产跟踪提供室内设施中人或物体的实时和历史位置数据。这些信息使企业能够优化工作流程、提高设备使用率、减少寻找某人或某物所需要的时间;还有助于避免资产丢失或被盗、跟踪热点区域和追踪联系人,从而提高生产力和安全性,同时增强用户体验。
具有地理位置关联信息的实时和历史数据有助于开发数字业务流程和服务。将来自 OmniAccess Stellar Location Services 的数据与阿尔卡特朗讯企业通信 的 Rainbow 之类的业务协作工具集成,可实现简单或重复任务的自动化响应,包括可以使用触发器、预设的规则或操作,实现工作流程自动化。
ALE 备受客户青睐的原因:
- 通过 边缘到 核心 的单一操作系统的简化组合以及统一的 LAN、WLAN 和分支机构安全管理
- 可在办公室、户外和工业等环境中灵活部署,并可在本地或云端进行管理
- 简单的网络自动化和与数字化工作流程的集成
Asset Tracking and Contact Tracing in Healthcare
This document provides an overview of the ALE Asset Tracking and Contact Tracing solution for Healthcare.
OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking for Enterprises
This document provides an overview of the ALE Asset Tracking solution for Enterprises.
Network security in the era of digital transformation
Accelerated digital transformation? Increased use of connected objects? Growth of applications and data beyond the network perimeter?
OmniAccess Stellar Hotspot Tracking and Contact Tracing Sol…
The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Hotspot Tracking and Contact Tracing solution is based on ALE OmniAccess Stellar Asset Tracking solution and enables businesses t…
With bots, embrace the “human centric” experience
Thought leadership article on the future of bots, authored by Moussa Zaghdoud
Artificial intelligence applied to enterprise communications
This white paper explores Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as well as discusses different types of information.

Keep employees and customers safe with asset tracking
Hotspot tracking and contact tracing enables businesses to re-open while keeping employees and customers safe.

Hospitality reduces employee contact, improves operations
Digital hospitality solutions are key to minimize face-to-face contact to deliver back-of-house services.

How smart is your transportation system?
Smart transportation solutions are driving us into the future. Move your passengers further to connected experiences with Rainbow and Location-Based Services.

How hotel Wi-Fi and networks impact the hospitality business
In this first blog of the Smart Hospitality Networks series, we explore the latest trends in the hospitality industry and their effects on hotel networks